The Old Nabagu (The Poor) Street
This shortest street of Aizpute was once named Nabagu (The Poor) Street because in the 18th century (possibly also earlier) and in the 19th century it was possible to get from Baznīcas (Church) Street (now Tebras Street) to the church's poor house, which was located approx. where today is № 3 Liepājas Street, where at the beginning of the 1930s there was a house for elderlies of the German congregation.
This photo from the early 1930s shows a view from the former Baznīcas (Church) Street to № 4 Liepājas Street.
At the time of the photograph, Baznīcas (Church) Street turned 90 degrees to the right before Baznīckalns (Church Hill) and continued to Liepājas Street, marking part of the eastern boundary of the church plot.
On the left side you can see the end side of the house of № 3 Liepājas Street, opposite - № 4 Liepājas Street, on the right side you can see the last 2 buildings: further down - № 1 Liepājas Street, which belonged to Eide Trembe, the nearest – on № 2 Atmodas (Awakening) Street plot of land, which was the property of the heirs of Jankel Leiba Beitlers.
When reaching № 2 Liepājas Street, you have to decide on which street to continue our walk: on the left starts Katoļu (Catholic) Street, opposite is Pasta (Post) Street, on the right – Atmodas (Awakening) Street.